Home ยป Event Details Event Details
- Timeline: Visit front page here
- Registration: Register here
- Rodeo parade time: 9:30 AM – 10:30 AM (cars will not be able to park while the parade is going on)
- Pre-registration ensures best parking
- Day of show entries accepted
- RV and Trailer Parking Available (see email after registering)
- Club group parking – Please call no later than May 11th
- All entries will participate in free raffle at 1:15 PM
- Dash plaques for first 200 entries
- Complimentary coffee will be served
- For parade information, call Kyle Miller at (530)-501-6588
Plaques awarded for the following:
- Best Paint
- Best Engine
- Longest Distance Traveled
- Rodeo Royalty – Favorite Pick
- Mayor’s Pick
- Sherrif’s Pick
- People’s Choice
- Club Participation
VIP Award and Details:
- Winner will receive the following during NEXT YEAR’S show:
- Exclusive parking shade
- 2 chuck wagon lunch tickets
- ice chest with drinks of choice
- 2 show T-shirts
- VIP treatment
Trophies awarded to the following judging classes:
- A – Stock/Original Car 1903-1948
- B – Stock/Original Car 1949-1961
- C – Stock/Original Car 1962-Present
- D – Modified Car 1903-1948 including open tops
- E – Modified Car 1949-1961
- F – Modified Car 1961-Present
- G – Stock/Original Truck – ALL YEARS
- H – Modified Truck 1903-1948
- J – Modified Truck 1949-Present
- K – Convertible – ALL YEARS
- stock or modified, includes
- retractables, removable h-tops, no 2 seaters or vettes
- L – Sports Car – 2 Seater
- All vettes including, conv, 55-57 T-bird, Cobras, M.G.’s, etc.)
- M – Professional (military, police, taxi, fire, limo, etc.)
- N – Wild, Extreme, Outrageous
- (Please send photo and description when registering)
- “Motorcycles and under constructions” are welcomed but will not be judged
Events adjacent to the show:
- Rodeo and horse show: 11AM – 5PM
- Bench press contest: 12:00PM – 1PM
- Frog jumping contest: 12:00PM – 1PM
- Games and prizes for kids: All Day
- Food and refreshments – vendors
- Famous chuck wagon lunch: 11:30AM – 2PM
What time should I show up?
- Early bird parking begins at 8:00AM and ends at 9:30AM, before the parade starts
- After the parade concludes, normal parking will resume until 12PM
Hotels near the event: